Friday, December 24, 2010

~ 8th week internship & the last week ~

20/12/2010 - 24/12/2010

This week is my last week of my internship at TMTC...but there is still work for me even this is last, my first task is copy and paste data of Macro report from TM system to Ms, Sir Mahendran asked me to prepare slide of MDF summary for their presentation...I also need tp prepare Master List of MDF from May to November 2010...then, I was assigned by Syikin to login General Manager's page and key-in their comments about their evaluation on the General Manager's they need to evaluate all the managers or management to help them improve their performance and their way as a leader...finally, I sent all my task to Sir Mahendran and Syikin via email as their backup...

You know what??I'm happy to be here...doing internship at here bring me a lot of nice moment with them...even the data is coming non-stop...what make me happy is the way they treat me as student...i'm still remember every friday, ina, me and also the other staff must go to market which is behind the Felda building to buy food...also, one of the managers and assistant managers are back from they share their stuff from Hajj with us..and all of us got one perfume from them..and the last moment me and Syikin is we lunch together outside from the TMTC...actually she and the manager wanna make surprise to us...and i do not know what is it...unfortunately, Ina is absent they have to delay their plan to the next meeting...huhuhu...

the dessert ordered by me and Syikin... strawberry, mocha and chocolate sneak :D

What I have learned from my internship, i will bring it to my future...the criteria as a successful worker that I can bring to myself as a student and future worker is punctual, either in terms of date line or attendance...the others are team work, communication skill, patient and persistence...and the most important thing as my manager said is attitude...your attitude is your can show how are you also can make other people either like or dislike you as their colleague...if your attitude is lousy, for sure people around you would not like you...and challenge will be around you when you are be patient and persistence are needed in yourself to be a successful worker and student...

Other than that is a lot of new thing that I learned during my internship...mostly is Pivot Table that i learned to get the summary of grand total from what data we insert into Ms Excel... there is a lot of new thing that i learned in Ms Excel such as VLook ( the formula)...

That's all my internship report for 8 week at TMTC....TQVM....^_^...

Thank you so much to all of them!!

Friday, December 17, 2010

~ 7th week internship ~

13/12/2010 - 17/12/2010

Hye everyone!!This week I just continued prepare MDF certificates templates, which 112 assessees that passed their assessment…these certificates templates must be prepared before its going to print…then, I got new task from Sir Mahendran, which is make slides for Tm Leadership Competency Assessment Centre…this slides is needed as an ordered from an Assistant General Manager, Mdm.Latifah….next, there is new task for me where I need to copy data of Macro Report from TM system and paste it in Ms Excel…that report is about the result of 360 degree feedback evaluation for TM staffs…then, from that report I need to prepare the summary that include the average of the result and find the minimum and maximum result…

In this week also, my academic supervisor from college came to visit me and Ina at TMTC...before that, I need to prepare an email about the attendance of my supervisor to visit us...actually my supervisor is Mdm.Siti Hajar Alias that need to visit me…but she cannot attend because she is doing Hajj…then, Mdm Aelya Zetty bt Zainal Kassim was replaced her to visit me…Alhamdulillah, its going smoothly and there is no negative comment from my manager, Sir Mahendran…For Madam Aelya and Sir Mahendran, again I would like to thank to both of you for your time...

So, here i would like to share my experience being internship at tmtc...i feel grateful to being here because i got friendly boss and staffs around me...thus, i'm not hesitate to talk and it is easy to communicate with them...I could understand what they said...they treat me and ina as their colleague...and also as a family...that is what one of the TM's principes, which is treat the other staff as a family...thus, it will not create gap between the staffs and the boss...

...there is no gap between the boss and the workers because they work as a team...

Friday, December 10, 2010

~ 6th week internship ~

6/12//2010 - 10/12/2010

Assalamualaikum....first of all...Salam Maal Hijrah 1432H to all of you...May this year bring us more barakah and rahmat from Allah s.w.t....So for this week, I was assigned to prepare attendance summary of TM Leadership Competency Assessment 2010 for assessors...this summary is including assessors' name, how many they conduct the assessment and the total number of assessors that I need to record in MS next task is to prepare activities schedule for my department, Assessment Centre in this manager, Sir Mahendran need this schedule to present their activities to the upper management...then,  got new task from Syikin, which is copy and paste data of personal information from TM System into Ms Excel...the data is based on TM Sub Unit...two of the TM sub unit has a lot of data, so it takes time to paste and save...after that, I continued prepared summary of MDF based on format from my manager...then, she asked me to prepared MDF certificates templates for 112 assessees that have passed their assessment....that's all my task for this week...

Friday, December 3, 2010

~ 5th week internship ~

29/11/2010 - 3/12/2010

Hello my all beloved friends!!!how about your internship???is it good???or bad???hope your internship will give you good moment for you....sedar tak sedar, in this week we go through period of already 1 month we have done our it???it just a moment...

So, for this week there is no new task for me...i just continue update data of MDF....i got new data for MDF from En.Ibnusina, assisstant manager of as usual i need to record all that data..and make report for my manager, Sir Mahendran....all that data I need to record to prepare certificates for all the assesses....after completed, Syikin tought me to print that certificates....that all my job for this week....along the way I done my task during my internship, its help me how to communicate with the upper level management...the way to discuss with make they understand what we have done....of course in proper way ok...what i noticed is they do not want to know the reason such as laptop is hang, the way you complete your task....the negative reason...what they want to know is the result or output of the choose you wanna be an employer or boss????